Get to Know Jacky Arness - Distinguished Young Woman of North Dakota for 2011

Name: Jacky Arness
Age: 19
Hometown: Fargo, ND
College: Bethel University, St. Paul, MN
Major: Double Major: Political Science/International Relations; Minor: Theatre Arts (and maybe a 2nd?! The possibilities are endless!!!)

Favorite food: SUSHI
Favorite TV show: The Walking Dead!!! It’s helping me prepare for the zombie apocalypse.
Current #1 most played song on your iPod: (it’s a tie)… What Doesn’t Kill You (Stronger): by Kelly Clarkson, and Domino: by Jessie J
Favorite quote: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Gandhi
Favorite time of year: CHRISTMAS!!!!! But I also love early August. Perfect summer weather!
Plan ahead OR procrastinate: I plan ahead with life-related issues, but procrastinate on things like homework. I’m trying to get better about that though!
Paper OR plastic: PAPER. Keeps me conscious and responsible for what I’m spending. It’s a lot harder to hand over cash than to just swipe a card, so it helps me decide what I really need to buy! Wait…this question is about money….right?!
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty: Half-full kiddos. Always.
Introvert OR extrovert: Ambivert. I love to be with my friends and go out. I love trying new things and going new places. That being said, there aren’t many things that can beat a good book and a cup of tea for hours on end. You just have to find the balance and know that it’s OK to take time for yourself. It makes being social that much more fun!
Cats OR Dogs: Dogs. I will be a dog-person forever. They are always happy to see you and don’t care what you look like or how your test went! They are just full of kisses and love <3
Morning person OR night person: Definitely a night-person!!! I sleep all day and stay up all night no problem.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you absolutely need for survival?
OK. Fact about me, I LOVE the wilderness and the outdoors. Camping? Sign me up. So, practically, I would bring a knife, a magnesium block, and a solar-charged flashlight. The knife has numerous practical uses, not only for protection, but for building shelter, securing food etc. The magnesium block would be used to create a fire, perhaps one of the most important survival tools. By striking the blade of your knife against the magnesium block, you can create a rather substantial spark. With practice, you can use this numerous times to procure a flame. Lastly, although there are MANY items that would be useful for survival, I would bring a flashlight. Because being able to see at night would be a good thing on a deserted island.

What is your biggest fear?
Failure. I hold myself to really high standards, and when I don’t succeed, or if I feel like I don’t get out of something what I put into it I get really upset with myself. I’m always pushing myself to do my best and to be my best (to BE MY BEST SELF!!!) but I have to remember that sometimes even when I’m doing my best, things aren’t meant to be! So I continue to push myself and give my all because I think that is where success comes from.

What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about college life that you had to find out on your own?
DO NOT OVERCOMMIT YOURSELF! In high school I was in a ton of activities so naturally when I got to college I wanted to be involved in as many things as I could! There was so much variety and so many different clubs and activities to get involved with that before I knew it, I was in way over my head. If I could go back and tell myself one thing, it would be to take it slow. You can always add more activities, but right away at the beginning I had bitten off more than I could chew. So when you get to college, take your time and figure out what feels right. Then when you have your bearings you can always join a club, or maybe even wait until the next year to join! There is so much you can get involved with, just make sure you know what you’re getting into so you can fully invest and truly enjoy what it is you decide to be a part of in college.

What is one goal you have set for yourself and achieved? What is one goal that still remains to be achieved?
I really wanted to be accepted into the Honors Program at Bethel. It was a big goal of mine and something I felt really passionate about. I got accepted and I was SO pumped! So far the program has been awesome and has really challenged me in a lot of ways. A goal I have yet to achieve is to graduate summa cum laude. Summa cum laude is the highest academic honor classification you can receive upon graduation from college. That’s what I’ve got my sights on now!

Sum yourself up in three words.
Passionate, loving, and blessed.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience.
I could easily write a novel on Nationals. I know that the term “the best” gets applied to a lot of things in our lives, but I really mean it when I say that Distinguished Young Women National Finals was the best two weeks of my life. I wouldn’t trade the time I spent there, the things I learned, or the friendships I made for anything. I was part of an incredible group of beautiful, talented, intelligent, funny, and caring girls who inspired me to be better and who taught me to love myself. Did I mention that I made 49 new best friends? The day that truly summed up the Nationals experience for me was definitely Finals Night. My situation with Distinguished Young Women was different from most other girls as I came into it very last minute. But from the very first day I have never felt so welcomed and accepted by a group of people as I did by my host family, the staff, the volunteers, and particularly the other girls. For two weeks we worked hard, sweated hard, laughed hard, and played hard. I remember the first time after we ran through the fitness routine together and we all just looked at each other in shock, then by the prelims we were looking like we’d been doing that routine our whole lives! On Finals Night I was so lucky to be standing next to the girl who’d become my closest friend at Nationals, Devin Kearns from Oklahoma. Right before we had gone onstage for the Finals Night opening number we had been joking about how there was no way out of all these AMAZING girls we would make top ten. Then, right away, Devin was called and right after her they called my name. I couldn’t believe it. I was so blessed to meet her and become so close with her. We were laughing so hard after they called our names, and when I re-watch the Finals Night DVD I can still see how red I was and remember exactly what we were saying. I don’t remember too much of Finals very clearly after that, because it was such an adrenaline rush, until the very end after they’d announced Katye as Distinguished Young Woman of America for 2011 and all 50 of us rushed in for a giant group hug onstage. Because that’s what it was all about. Of course it was a competition, but the most important thing was the people. Something they always said to us was that there was no winner from the representatives, but a representative of the winners. And I believe that wholeheartedly, because knowing these girls and the memories I have with them are something I can’t imagine my life without now.

Get to Know Veronica Townsend - Distinguished Young Woman of Delaware for 2011

Name: Veronica Townsend
Age: 18
Hometown: Dagsboro, Delaware
College: University of Delaware
Major: Fashion Merchandising (Honors)

Favorite food: Spaghetti (with meatballs of COURSE!)
Favorite TV show: American Idol
Favorite movie: Legally Blonde
Favorite Olympic sport: Can we PLEASE bring back baseball/softball? If not, curling, it’s just such a weird concept yet so entertaining!
Favorite Christmas/holiday tradition: Baking Christmas cookies with my grandma
Current #1 most played song on your iPod: Sweet Thing by Keith Urban
Favorite quote: To wish you were someone else is to waste the person that you are.
Most hated household chore: Cleaning my room...being able to see the carpet amidst all of the clothes is soooo overrated.
Favorite time of day: Mealtime…duh.
Favorite time of year: Spring (My birthday is in April!)

Plan ahead OR procrastinate: I like to plan ahead when it comes to things I enjoy, but when it comes to those I don’t? Last minute ALL the way. I’m actually currently procrastinating studying, and that’s why I’m doing this!
Paper OR plastic: It’s fantastic to be plastic!
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty: Half-full; I’m an extremely optimistic person!
Introvert OR extrovert: Extrovert, I tend to be very outgoing and loud!
Cats OR Dogs: Team Canine baby!
Morning person OR night person: Morning person, especially when I have coffee!

If you could be any color crayon, what would you be and why? 
A crayon combining all the glitter in existence – I’m a HUGE fan of anything sparkly!

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you absolutely need for survival? 
Taylor Lautner, a fabulous pair of shoes, and a boat to leave! Why does no one ever think of that?

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? 
Selena Gomez! Not only is she gorgeous (and the girlfriend of Justin Bieber) and has a fabulous Disney lifestyle, but she is a truly remarkable girl who is involved with charity work and firmly believes in putting others first.

What is one goal you have set for yourself and achieved? What is one goal that still remains to be achieved? 
Ever since I started cheerleading as a young girl, I aspired to take it to the collegiate level. I currently am a member of the first ever All Girl cheerleading squad at the University of Delaware and I love every minute! The next goal I would love to achieve is to be Miss America – dream big, right?

What do you want to be when you grow up and why? 
I would love nothing more than to work in the fashion industry when I grow older. My current goal is to attend law school after receiving my undergraduate degree in fashion merchandising, where I plan on one day representing a fashion company in their legal department. What could be better than making money doing what I love in a fabulous setting?

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience.
For starters, picking just one moment from my experience in the Distinguished Young Women program is possibly one of the hardest things in the world. Every single aspect of representing my state both locally and at the national level, from appearances all over the place to meeting some truly remarkable people, are memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life. However, if I absolutely had to choose just one, attending the Mardi Gras ball while in Mobile, Alabama was incredibly memorable! Dancing the night away with my newfound distinguished best friends (and handsome southern boys!) after a long week of rehearsal is something I will never forget.

Get to Know Megan Jack - Distinguished Young Woman of West Virginia for 2011

Name: Megan Jack
Age: 18
Hometown: Moundsville, West Virginia
College: Belmont University – Nashville, TN
Major: Entertainment Industry Studies with a Mathematics minor, although next semester my minor will change to either film, broadcasting, or theatre.

Favorite food: Noodles!
Favorite TV show: My newest obsession is Pretty Little Liars, but I’m still on Season 1.
Current #1 most played song on your iPod: “Doing It Wrong” -Drake
Favorite quote: “Don’t think, just do.” –John Hennen (Director from WV Governor’s School)
Favorite time of day: Breakfast, lunch or dinner. Really anytime I can eat.

Plan ahead OR procrastinate: I procrastinate, but take it from someone who knows… PLAN AHEAD!
Paper OR plastic: Paper… you can use them as book covers and wrapping paper later.
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty: Oh, all the way full.
Introvert OR extrovert: Extrovert
Cats OR Dogs: Kittens>Puppies. Dogs>Cats.
Morning person OR night person: Night. Night. Night.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
My most embarrassing moment would probably have to be during orientation of freshman year here at Belmont. While the rest of my class was entering the auditorium/student life center for a traditional, prestigious ceremony, I was outside on the stairs with leaders surrounding me because I passed out. I think it was just because I hadn’t had much food the previous day and all the excitement, but while the rest of the class got inducted, I got inspected…

What would I find in your refrigerator right now (if you have one)?
An almost empty bottle of Diet Coke, Simply-To-Go fruit cup, frozen apple pie, frozen chicken pot pie, natural peanut butter, and Ghiradelli caramel squares.

What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about college life that you had to find out on your own?
It’s hard to pick one… so I’ll go with three. 1. Don’t bring your entire wardrobe and don’t bring really nice clothes. The dryers in dorms have one setting: SHRINK. 2. You can’t procrastinate or slack off like you might have been able to in high school. Everything counts now and you have to remember you are now PAYING for this education. Take courses in things you WANT to learn about. If you can’t get in them, don’t be afraid to go to the department head. 3. Making friends with your professors will really be your best bet. There are no “teacher’s pets” in college, just as there’s no pressure to drink or do drugs like people say. High school and college are two different environments.

What is one goal you have set for yourself and achieved? What is one goal that still remains to be achieved?
At the beginning of the year I made a “101 Things in 1001 Days” list and “Get an A in Religion” was on it. Pulled off an A- for the first semester!
One that still remains is to write five songs and publish them. Nashville is the perfect place for it.

What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
I want to be someone who makes a difference. I’m still all over the place within my major right now - I know I want to end up in the entertainment industry; however, I don’t know exactly where. I’m hoping internships and more classes will help. I just know I want to make a difference in at least one person’s life - a significant difference.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. 
My favorite moment of Distinguished Young Women was the moment the finalists were called and I wasn’t one. Now, that may sound silly, but let me explain. After the finalists were announced, the remaining 40 went back to the dressing rooms to just “hang out” and Indiana, Hawaii, Colorado, and I made friendship bracelets as we waited. In that moment we could feel the connections we had made in the last two weeks. Ironically, my bracelet fell off the day after Christmas- it was made of simple white and blue thread, so I was surprised it lasted that long. Making bracelets with Kelsey, Aspen, and Calla was just one of those moments I’ll remember in thirty years. I still have that bracelet and the sister ones my host sister, Illinois, and I bought as well.

Get to Know Amanda Wineman - Distinguished Young Woman of Montana for 2011

Name: Amanda Wineman
Age: 17
Hometown: Cut Bank, Montana
College: Huntingdon College
Major: Political Science
Minor: French

Favorite Food: SPAM fried in RedHot hot sauce
Favorite Movie: The Fighter; The Last King of Scotland
Favorite Quote: “Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did.”- George Carlin
Favorite TV Show: House M.D.
Current #1 most played song on your iPod: Who Want's to Live Forever by Queen

Plan ahead OR procrastinate: I PROCRASTINATE instead of planning ahead.
Paper OR plastic: PLASTIC instead of paper. (I'm not a big environmentalist.)
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty: The glass is always full! If it's half full of water, there is still another half full of air!
Introvert OR extrovert: I am an INTROVERT, but I still enjoy hanging out with my friends occasionally.
Cats OR dogs: DOGS are soooooooooooo much better than cats. Cats are the devil.
Morning person OR night person: I'm definitely a NIGHT PERSON!

If you could be any color crayon, what would you be and why? If I was a crayon I would be white, because I'm the palest person that isn't an albino.

Sum yourself up in three words. In three words I am funny, hilarious, and comical.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? If I could trade places with anyone dead, alive, or fictional I would trade places with Hermione Granger, because who doesn't want magic?!?! Being Harry would be too much pressure, and Hermione has great hair!

What would I find in your refrigerator right now (if you have one)? If you looked in my fridge right now you would find two jugs of cranberry juice. My roommate and I drink it so much. It's good for your colon.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. There are so many things about the Distinguished Young Women program. I have been truly blessed by being a part of this program. I don't know how to choose one favorite moment, but one of the many wonderful parts of the program was all the backstage moments that happened like Krispy Kreme eating contests, silly photographs, crazy dancing, laughing, and being just goofy in general. It was great seeing that even the most distinguished girls were crazy.

Get to Know Rebecca Mitchell - Distinguished Young Woman of Maryland for 2011

Name: Rebecca Mitchell
Age: 18
Hometown: Ijamsville, Maryland
College: University of South Alabama
Major: Elementary Education

Favorite TV show: Four Weddings
Favorite movie: Miss Congeniality
Favorite Olympic sport: Ice Skating
Current #1 most played song on your iPod: Dirt Road Anthem
Favorite quote: Philippians 4:13

Plan ahead OR procrastinate: Procrastinate!
Paper OR plastic: Paper
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty: Always half-full!!
Introvert OR extrovert: Extrovert
Cats OR Dogs: Dogs—they always know how to make your day!
Morning person OR night person: Morning person, once I can get myself out of bed.

If you could be any color crayon, what would you be and why? Razzmatazz, partly because it’s a really pretty pink and it was created the year I was born, but mostly because it’s so fun to say and it almost requires you to do jazz hands every time you say it!

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? Cinderella! She has the perfect fairy tale!

What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about college life that you had to find out on your own? Really look for friends who share the same values you have, because they will make your college experience better than you ever thought! Also, free time goes by much faster than you realize-don’t waste it!

What is one goal you have set for yourself and achieved? What is one goal that still remains to be achieved? Thanks to Distinguished Young Women, I have achieved my goal of getting a scholarship! My next goal is to find out exactly what my passion in life is, and find a career that I love.

What do you want to be when you grow up and why? I would love to take over my aunt and uncle’s ice cream shop on our family farm in Delaware. I go up there every summer. The farm is one of my favorite places in the world, and who doesn’t love ice cream? I would also love to write novels and teach violin lessons, because I can make my own schedule and do things that I love.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. It is almost impossible to pick just one moment that was my favorite, but one that’s at the top of my list was performing our final night number at Nationals, “Born This Way.” The energy among all the girls was unbelievable. It was so much fun to get on stage and have a blast on our last night in Mobile. I actually started tearing up at the end of the number because I knew that our performance and that song truly represented the culmination of all our hard work and effort. We were born the way we are, and we were proud of everything we had accomplished by just being ourselves!

Get to Know Sydney McIntosh - Distinguished Young Woman of Alaska for 2011

First EVER Be Distinguished Giveaway!!

*Winner Announced!!!

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White (Youth S, M, L, XL; Adult S, M, L, XL, XXL)
Black (Adult S, M, L, XL, XXL)

Get to Know Devin Kerns - Distinguished Young Woman of Oklahoma for 2011

Name: Devin   
Age: 19
Hometown: Stillwater, OK
College: Southern Methodist University
Major: Communication Studies Major, Italian Minor

Favorite TV show: Gilmore Girls
Favorite movie: Grease
Favorite Olympic sport: Figure Skating
Favorite quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Wayne Gretzky
Favorite time of day: Sunset

Plan ahead OR procrastinate: Depends on how important it is.
Paper OR plastic: Paper so I can recycle it!
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty: Hopefully my waitress keeps the glass topped off so it’s always full to the brim.
Introvert OR extrovert: Extrovert
Cats OR Dogs: Cats…My family has five. 
Morning person OR night person: Night person

If you could be any color crayon, what would you be and why? Turquoise. It’s my favorite color, the color of the beach, and of course the prettiest jewelry!

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? Taylor Swift

What is your biggest fear? Letting people down. I’m a perfectionist to the core and sometimes I need to be reminded that it’s okay to fail, as long as I did my best.  For me, failing is simply not an option and I’m not very good at dealing with it.

What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about college life that you had to find out on your own? Well, my mom told me this repeatedly but I never gave it much thought: College goes by EXTREMELY fast, so enjoy every minute of it.  I’ve only completed one semester, but it feels like one huge blur of excitement, frustration, and coffee.  But looking back, I’ve completed 1/8 of my college experience.  That’s crazy!

Sum yourself up in three words. This is a Distinguished Young Women interview question if I ever saw one! Ambitious, outgoing, and adventurous.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. My favorite moment occurred during Nationals. On Finals Night, we had all just completed our opening number to Adele’s fabulously jazzy piece “Rolling in the Deep” for the last time, ever.  All fifty of us lined up in our places for the moment we had all been waiting for: the announcement of the top ten.  I was shaking.  All of a sudden, the MC announced my name, first! I was in absolute shock, but somehow made it downstage.  To top it off, the girl whom I became closest to (North Dakota’s Jacky Arness) throughout the two weeks of Nationals was called as the second girl to be in the ten with me! My mouth dropped open in shock.  We laughed and sweated our way through the entire process together, and now she would perform right next to me on the very last night of competition.  Running backstage in order to change, I remember hugging and laughing and saying how we no longer cared about the outcome of the night, this moment of victory was enough.  Standing next to her in the top ten is really what Distinguished Young Women is all about—rewarding girls for their hard work while bringing them together to form close friendships.  While Jacky and I go to college thousands of miles away from each other, we keep in touch and I still consider her one of my dearest friends!

Get to Know Rachel Williams - Distinguished Young Woman of New Mexico for 2011

Name: Rachel Marie Williams
Age: 18
Hometown: Kirtland, New Mexico
College: University of New Mexico
Major: (undeclared) International Studies

Current #1 most played song on your iPod: Requiem on Water by Imperial Mammoth
Favorite quote: “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13
Most hated household chore: Cleaning the dishes, especially cleaning peanut butter off dishes.
Favorite time of day: A few hours before the sun sets.
Favorite time of year: Spring-just as everything is blooming with color.

Plan ahead OR procrastinate? Procrastinate.
Paper OR plastic? Paper.
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty? Glass half-full.
Introvert OR extrovert? Extrovert.
Cats OR dogs? Dogs.
Morning person OR night person? Night person.

If you could be any color crayon, what would you be and why? If I could be any color crayon I would be sunset orange. Orange is my favorite color, but to be just plain “orange” would be boring and I would like to think I’m far from boring. Also, it should be mentioned that orange is the loudest color and the perfect mixture of love (red) and happiness (yellow).

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? If I could trade places with anyone it would be Selena Gomez. No, not because she is dating Justin Beiber, but because nearly every girl (even some boys!) in the world calls her their role model. To be able to positively influence so many girls is my dream. What an amazing blessing it would be. 

What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about college life that you had to find out on your own? I wish someone had told me how easy it is for a person to change when they go to college. College is so morally diverse. You have to pack your values and integrity in your suitcase because it’s imperative that you maintain who you are as a young lady.

What is one goal you have set for yourself and achieved? What is one goal that still remains to be achieved? When I was younger I promised myself I would be Valedictorian, now the most important goal is to get into law school and earn a law degree. 

What do you want to be when you grow up and why? When I grow up I want to be happy. No matter what occupation I choose or how many kids I have; I just want to be happy.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. The most incredible moment I’ve experienced because of Distinguished Young Women is one that doesn’t last just a few seconds, but for a lifetime. Knowing that I will have a bond with 49 other girls for the rest of my life is such an amazing feeling. I feel a bond with these girls that is unbreakable.

Get to Know Hannah Roberts - Distinguished Young Woman of Mississippi for 2011

Name: Hannah Camille Roberts   
Age: 18
Hometown: Mount Olive, MS   
College: University of Southern Mississippi
Major: Biochemistry Pre-Medical Emphasis

Favorite food: Sushi—especially crab or shrimp sushi.
Favorite movie: I see far too many movies, right now it’s the new Sherlock Holmes movie!
Favorite Christmas/holiday tradition: Every December, Santa visits my house to bring the first gift of the season—always pajamas—and also to check in on my brother and me.
Current #1 most played song on your iPod: I love all kinds of music! Right now my most played song is The Lime Tree by Trevor Hall—he isn’t a very well-known artist, but you should check him out!
Favorite time of day: Lunch time!  My college has a great cafeteria and I always get to sit and chat with my sorority sisters and friends.

Plan ahead OR procrastinate: Plan-ahead always! My planner even includes lunch and dinner times.
Paper OR plastic: No preference, here in South Mississippi there is usually no option to get paper so it is most always plastic.
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty: Definitely half-full!
Introvert OR extrovert: I am very extroverted.
Cats OR Dogs: I’m semi-allergic to both, but I prefer dogs.  My dog is a Scottish Terrier and this breed doesn’t shed so she is hypoallergenic!
Morning person OR night person: In high school I was always a morning person, but in college I have turned into a night owl—especially during finals week!

What would I find in your refrigerator right now (if you have one)? College necessities: Capri Sun drink pouches, jello-pudding snack-packs, and probably some McDonald’s leftovers!

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional. with whom would it be?  Elizabeth Bennet, the main character from the movie Pride and Prejudice so I could marry the handsome Mr. Darcy!

What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about college life that you had to find out on your own? I never thought that I would miss my parents so much—in high school I could not wait to move to college! I was homesick a lot during my first fall semester and had to learn how to “move away” from my mom and dad.

What is one goal you have set for yourself and achieved? What is one goal that still remains to be achieved? I wanted to get a full ride scholarship to college, I am on Presidential Scholarship at USM so I haven’t paid a dime for anything in college yet!  I really want to have a 4.0 GPA when I graduate from college.  I had a 4.0 my first semester, so I’m on my way to accomplishing that goal.

What do you want to be when you grow up and why? I want to be a pediatric oncologist surgeon—which is basically a childhood cancer doctor.  I really want to work at St. Jude Children’s Hospital one day and be able to help children battle cancer and succeed to go on and live happy, healthy lives.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. My favorite moment from my entire Distinguished Young Women experience would have to be playing my violin piece for the last time at the Mississippi program as the new winner was about to be announced.  I was accompanied by a live pianist who was my County’s Junior Miss a few years before I won.  She had always been a role model of mine and is also a friend of my family.  It was such a wonderful feeling to know that my Distinguished Young Woman experience had come full-circle and I had successfully represented my state at nationals and was now about to give a new girl that wonderful role and opportunity.  As I played the song for the last time, I thought of all the work I had put in during my two years as Covington County’s Junior Miss and then as the Distinguished Young Woman of Mississippi.  I went on to become 2nd alternate at the national program and won talent, scholastic, and community service awards.  This song was basically my last moment as the Distinguished Young Woman of Mississippi and I will remember my years and memories from the program always.

Get to Know Ann Clancy - Distinguished Young Woman of Vermont for 2011

Get to Know Kelsey Quin - Distinguished Young Woman of Indiana for 2011

Name: Kelsey Quin
Age: 19
Hometown: Peru, Indiana (parents house) /West Lafayette, Indiana (apartment)
College: Purdue University
Major: General Health, Pre-med concentration

Favorite TV show: GLEE!
Favorite movie: Tie between Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Despicable Me, and Tangled
Favorite Christmas/holiday tradition: My mom has this story that we’re related to elves, so every Christmas Eve when we come home from Christmas mass, the elves have left us a pair of Christmas pajamas that we all wear and take a picture in the next morning (with Christmas music blaring).
Favorite quote: “Fairytales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” G.K. Chesterton
Most hated household chore: Dishes... so gross.
Plan ahead OR procrastinate? I like to plan ahead, but on homework, I am the biggest procrastinator.
Paper OR plastic
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty
Introvert OR extrovert
Cats OR Dogs  (Why are these so hard?)
Morning person OR night person

What is your most embarrassing moment? Well, once upon a time two of my good friends had a bad day. We went to the one friend’s house, but they were both still acting grumpy. I wasn’t grumpy and said, let’s sing and dance to cheer you guys up! So we put on ridiculous outfits of cowboy hats, matching black shirts, crazy colored shorts, and her mom’s too-big, high-heeled boots. Guitar Hero had just came out, so we grabbed the guitar and two microphones from her karaoke machine. We turned “I Love Rocking Roll” up as loud as possible, and sang and danced to the whole thing; at the end we struck a pose and threw our cowboy hats. Then we heard the doorbell. So we quickly shimmied out of the boots and hid the microphones and cowboy hats. When we answered the door, it was my boyfriend and about 8 of his friends. We tried to play it off like we were just playing some guitar hero, but they all just burst out laughing and said they had watched the whole thing through her front window! The end.

If you could be any color crayon, what would you be and why? Dandelion yellow! It’s my favorite color,  and it reminds me of the sun, sunflowers, and happiness. If happy had a color, it would be Dandelion yellow.

What would I find in your refrigerator right now (if you have one)? Water in a Brita water filter pitcher, skim milk, shredded lettuce, shredded cheddar cheese and parmesan cheese, chicken, turkey, eggs, butter, my mom’s homemade pizza sauce, and Dove dark chocolate promises.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? Eve. I would go back in time, NOT eat the apple, and viola- world peace.

What is one goal you have set for yourself and achieved? What is one goal that still remains to be achieved? I wanted to graduate valedictorian of my class, which I officially accomplished a day before leaving for Mobile, Alabama! One goal I still have is to get into medical school, complete all of my schooling and training, and become a pediatric psychiatrist. 

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. My state program was the first program I went to; the other girls at my local dropped out, so we didn’t get to have a program. My state program was the highlight of my senior year; it was better than soccer sectionals, senior prom - even better than graduation. For a week, I lived with an amazing family (who I still see at least once a week, and who went all the way to Mobile, Alabama, to cheer me on during Nationals!) and my roommate (who happened to be a lot like me!). There were fun activities, practices, talks, lunches, free goodies, but the best part was bonding with all of the other girls. EVERYONE was so nice, and we all got along. I even met my best friend there, and now her and two other girls from my state program are going to be rooming together at Purdue next year!

Get to Know Kinsey Crow - Distinguished Young Woman of Ohio for 2011

Name: Kinsey Love Crow
Age: 18
Hometown: Mount Vernon, Ohio
College: Auburn University
Major: Nursing

Favorite Food: Oh my, there are too many.  However, one of my absolute favorites is key lime pie!
Favorite Movie: I absolutely LOVE Ever After. I’m a hopeless romantic.
Favorite Olympic sport: Swimming and diving!
Favorite Christmas tradition: Every year, a member of my family hides a pickle ornament on our Christmas tree.  The first person to find it wins the pickle prize, usually consisting of something pickle-flavored. This year it was dill pickle sunflower seeds… lol. I’m never the one to find the pickle, but it’s pretty fun :)
Most hated household chore: I hate cleaning the shower!

Plan ahead OR procrastinate? I’m definitely a planner!
Paper OR plastic? Plastic.
Glass half-full OR Glass half-empty? Glass half-full :)
Introvert OR extrovert? EXTROVERT.
Cats OR dogs? Cats all the way!!
Morning OR night person? Ummm.. neither?

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you absolutely need for survival?  I would absolutely need my Bible (since I’m a voracious reader and I can read the Bible for hours), some XXX Vitamin Water, and my Eos chapstick.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? I would be Elastigirl from the Incredibles… I could fit ANYWHERE!

What is your biggest fear? My biggest fear is not making an impact for Christ in the world.

What is one goal you have set for yourself and achieved? What is one goal that still remains to be achieved? One of my goals during my Senior year of high school was to become the next Distinguished Young Woman of Ohio, and I did it! A goal I still have yet to achieve is to travel to Egypt (with Ann Clancy of Vermont) and discover something super rare and exciting.

What do you want to be when you grow up and why? I want to be a Nurse Practitioner in a foreign country, meeting the physical needs of my patients, and also meeting their spiritual needs by sharing the love of Christ with them!

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. My all-time favorite Distinguished Young Women moment was when I won the Spirit award at Nationals.  I immediately started crying when they called my name!  I’m surprised my makeup wasn’t running everywhere in the picture of me receiving the award!! Having all my girls vote for me to get the Spirit award was one of the highest honors I have ever experienced.

Get to Know Gabrielle Walter - Distinguished Young Woman of New York for 2011

Name:  Gabrielle Walter
Age: 18
Hometown:  East Amherst, New York
College:  Canisius College
Major:  Biology/Pre-medicine

My favorite food is by far peanut butter. I love to dip pretzels in peanut butter, cookies, and make sandwiches with peanut butter and bananas. I even put it on pitas sometimes too. But most of all I will just eat it out of the jar with a spoon.

My favorite time of year is spring when there starts to be color outside again. We are on the upswing to longer days with light and on our way to warmth. Being from the Buffalo area, after a long winter with snow you cannot wait to see green on the ground. The flowers bloom, the trees grow leaves, and people come outside due to the nice weather.

My favorite quote is “never give up on something you cannot go a day without thinking about.”

My favorite Polish Christmas tradition is on every Christmas Eve, the whole family hands out slices of oplatek, and we wish each other good health and happiness for the year to come.

The number one, most played song on my iPod right now is “Turning Tables” by Adele. I go through phases of artists and she just happens to be the one at the moment I am writing this.

Plan ahead OR procrastinate - As much as I do try to plan ahead, I am a bit of a procrastinator. I work better under pressure and because my schedule is busy, it often times comes down to a day or two before.

Paper OR plastic - Paper, I am all for helping the environment and it is something that can be recycled and reused.

Glass half-full OR glass half-empty - Glass half-full. It is always important to look at things in life in a positive way rather than see the negative side of things. I think in today’s world it is harder to look at the glass half-full, but if people look for the positives each day at a time, it will become easier to see over time.

Introvert OR extrovert - Ever since I was little my parents say I could not stop singing and talking all day long. I have a personality that definitely gets people out of their shells and  loosen up.

Cats OR Dogs- I am a dog person. I have never owned cats, but the puppy I do own is named Siena and she is just the most energetic thing ever. I especially love when she sleeps and gives you that cute innocent face after she has done something wrong.

Morning OR night person - I can be both depending on the day’s events and whether or not I got a good night’s rest the night before.

If I was stranded on a deserted island, provided there was cell service, I would need my iPhone to call for someone to come rescue me. Second, I would need a survival kit which would include everything from directions and supplements for food, first-aid things, and even clothes. Third, I would want someone close to me to be stranded with me so I was not alone. Anyone from family to friends I would enjoy being stranded with as long as they keep me company.

If I could trade places with someone for a week, I would choose Kate Middleton. I would like to get her perspective on what it is like to have a real Cinderella story. I would want to experience the reality of someone who goes from a life just like anyone else to someone who obtains a title that makes them an icon in the world with the power to change things for the better.

My biggest fear is failure. I am and have always been a perfectionist. Failure is something that does not live up to the standards that I hold myself to.

It is hard for me to sum myself up in three words, so I asked some of my close friends. They agreed and I approved that I am poised, confident, and goal oriented.

When I grow up I plan on becoming a pediatrician. Ever since about seventh grade I had been set on being some kind of doctor. I am really good with children, and once I did an internship in my junior year of high school, it seemed like a great fit. My family and friends have always seen me as a performer, so we always joke that when I come to visit the children for their appointments I will start singing and tap dancing, it will be the “Dr. Gabi” show.

It is very difficult to pick my most favorite moment from my Distinguished Young Women experience because I honestly loved every part. The girls were great at every level from local to state to nationals. The volunteers are so kind, and helpful and the program directors at each level have their heart and soul in this program. I would have to say my favorite part was performing on stage with all of the other Distinguished Young Women each night at Nationals. It did not feel like a competition; we were celebrating all of our great accomplishments together in front of the city who supports all of us, Mobile, Alabama.

Get to Know Alessa Strelecki - Distinguished Young Woman of Iowa for 2011

Hey everyone! My name is Alessa Strelecki and I am 18 years old. I am from West Des Moines, IA and right now I am attending Drake University where I am studying secondary education and mathematics (that may change though, who knows!).

I am filling out this questionnaire so you all can get to know me a little bit better!

My favorite food is anything Italian. Pasta, pizza, you name it. I am sure I will love it!
My favorite Olympic sport to watch is figure skating, especially doubles. Can you imagine being thrown in the air like that and landing perfectly?!
My favorite quote is by Dr. Suess. “Be who you are because those who matter, don’t mind. And those who mind, don’t matter.”
My most hated household chore is cleaning the bathroom. Yuck!
My favorite time of the year is Christmas time. Even if you do not celebrate the holiday, I think the time brings out a true spirit of giving and love, which we can all appreciate.

If I had to pick one…

Plan ahead OR procrastinate
Paper OR plastic
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty
Introvert OR extrovert
Cats OR Dogs
Morning person OR night person

If you could be any color crayon, what would you be and why?
I would be yellow. It is my favorite color. I love it because it is bright and happy!

What is your biggest fear?
Definitely heights. My knees start to tremble and I get light headed. I just cannot handle them. However, I don’t really like blood or snakes too much either!

What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about college life that you had to find out on your own?
There isn’t anything that I wish someone would have told me. I think that college is a fantastic learning experience. By discovering things on your own, you are able to learn so much about yourself. That’s something that I have really enjoyed doing.

Sum yourself up in three words:
Hmmm…This is a tough one. Blessed. Silly. Determined.

What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
This is actually one of my least favorite questions, but I’ll answer it anyway. For me, this has changed a million times since the thought first popped into my mind. In fourth grade, I wrote a paper about how I wanted to be an actress. In middle school I thought I wanted to be a psychologist. In high school, the thought of a being a pediatric dentist intrigued me. Now, after my first semester of college, I have stumbled upon education. If you couldn’t tell, I am a little bit indecisive.   One thing I do know, I want to find something I absolutely love to do and most importantly be happy.

The last thing I want to share with you all is my favorite memory from my Distinguished Young Women experience A.K.A. the hardest question of them all! One of the memories that sticks out in my head would be after the national finals were over and all 50 of us shared a group hug on stage. There were tears flying, laughter, literally every emotion I could have imagined. It was in that moment that I realized how near and dear to my heart this program truly is. Distinguished Young Women is more that just a title, it is a sisterhood and a family. The girls that I met throughout my entire journey are all extremely special to me. They have helped me become who I truly want to be and for that I will always be thankful!

Get to Know Allii Fontaine - Distinguished Young Woman of Rhode Island for 2011

Name: Allii Fontaine
Age: 18
Hometown: Burrillville, Rhode Island
College: Elmira College, Elmira New York
Major: Nursing, Pediatric Tract 

Favorite TV show: Anything on ABC Family 
Favorite movie: Cartoon - Finding Nemo; Non Cartoon - Mighty Ducks Series
Favorite Olympic sport: Figure Skating, solo and duet
Current #1 most played song on your iPod: When Will My Life Begin- Tangled, Mandy Moore
Favorite quote: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

Plan ahead OR procrastinate: I tend to procrastinate because I work best under pressure. Although, I do not recommend it, it does work extremely well for me 
Paper OR plastic: I prefer paper because plastic can sometimes take years to break down, or emit harmful chemicals if burned. Paper products can easily be made into other products and be burned for fires to warm homes, or create a little ambiance
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty: Glass half full! Heck, as long as the glass has something in it, it means we’re getting somewhere! But I try to always be positive!
Introvert OR extrovert: Definitely extrovert, but in the most positive meaning of the word. I like to be sociable and involved. I enjoy making new friends and being positive with everyone I meet.
Cats OR Dogs: Fish actually. I enjoy watching them swim because when I was little I used to wish I were a mermaid  But if I had to choose, I’d say dogs because they are so much more personable.
Morning person OR night person: I am definitely a night owl. I could sleep all day and stay up all night. Sometimes I do  I just enjoy the different things that happen at night. There are so many different sounds and animals. And it is just so much more peaceful.

If you could be any color crayon, what would you be and why? Well…all of my friends could probably answer this for me. I would be purple. I have loved purple since I knew what the color was. Growing up, pink was always the color associated with girls; bathroom stall colors, dresses, bedrooms, everything was pink. I always saw and still see myself as a unique girl who likes to do her own thing. I decided at a very young age that purple was my way of straying from the pink trend. Ever since then, I’ve loved purple…I even go to Elmira College, the PURPLE bubble

What would I find in your refrigerator right now (if you have one)? Lots of water and a micro bead potpourri eye thing that helps me sleep.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional. with whom would it be? I would trade places with Queen Elizabeth I. She is perhaps my most favorite heroine to study. She ruled a country all on her own without the assistance of a King. She knew that if she were to marry, she would lose her power. She was one of the first females to really prove that a woman could successfully rule a country on her own. Flirtation Diplomacy turned her empire from one country to many.

Sum yourself up in three words: Funny, Bubbly, Loud (but only in the most awesome way)

What do you want to be when you grow up and why? I want to become a pediatric nurse. I have always loved helping kids. When I was younger, I played “house” like it was my job. Even in high school, I was the “mom” of my friends. I watched Patch Adams everyday for a week and fell in love with the idea of laughter as the best medicine. I want to help terminally ill children make it through knowing that they are loved and that laughter really can be the best remedy.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience. I remember winning the program in my home state of Rhode Island and thinking “What did I just get myself into?” I had no idea what people were going to think of me when I got down to Mobile, Alabama. I was seriously scared that no one from the other states was going to like me. I mean, I had best friends that really understood me in Rhode Island. Maybe someone from Missouri or Arizona wouldn’t think I was funny. Well golly gee, was I wrong! I got off that plane on June 12th, 2011 in the Mobile, Alabama Airport and found out that every single girl was just like me. We all had our unique twists, but every single one of us was there with the same goal, to find 49 new friends and join the best sisterhood in the world. I met almost every girl at the airport that day and found out that I had nothing to be scared of. I made so many girls laugh and other girls made me giggle as well. Perhaps the most amazing thing was, however, that I cried at the end of those two weeks. I cried so hard that I was terrified to leave the next morning for home. I had only known these girls for two weeks and yet I felt like I was never going to see them again. But the absolute best and favorite thing about Distinguished Young Women is that I was wrong…I do get to see them again! The best thing is that my favorite moments are probably not over yet…because I have another week to spend with these girls…Has-Beens…HERE WE COME!

Get to Know Katye Brock - Distinguished Young Woman of America for 2011

Name: Katye Brock
Age: 18
Hometown: Tullahoma, TN
College: University of Tennessee (GO VOLS!)
Major: International Studies 

Favorite food: Peanut butter. I am addicted to peanut butter.
Favorite TV show: The Office…or Food Network…Or One Tree Hill.
Favorite movie: The Little Mermaid
Favorite Olympic sport: Ice Skating
Favorite Christmas/holiday tradition: I’ll do a birthday tradition.  Every year, my mom makes each of her children chocolate waffles—with ice cream and all the toppings—for breakfast on our birthdays. Chocolate waffles are a Brock family staple.
Current #1 most played song on your iPod: I’ve been rocking a lot of Phil Wickham lately.
Favorite quote: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."
Most hated household chore: I really hate doing the dishes. I am OCD about how my hands feel, and I can’t stand having them pruny.
Favorite time of day: I love crisp mornings and sunsets. 
Favorite time of year: This one is hard. I kind of love something about every season, but if I have to choose, I guess summer. Or Christmastime! 

Plan ahead OR procrastinate: I used to procrastinate, but believe me, in college, you plan ahead, or you don’t get it done!
Paper OR plastic: Paper. It’s more rustic.
Glass half-full OR glass half-empty: Half-full! Being positive can prevent a lot of unhappiness.
Introvert OR extrovert: Extrovert, definitely. I love meeting new people and being loud.
Cats OR Dogs: Dogs. My current number one desire is a puppy.
Morning person OR night person: Morning person.

What would I find in your refrigerator right now (if you have one)? My fridge is always stocked with the following: hummus, carrot sticks, Laughing Cow cheese wheels, milk, orange juice, grapes, hot sauce, mustard, turkey, and ginger ale.

What is your biggest fear? I have some irrational fears.  I have a fear of getting locked in the garbage room on my floor at school.  I also have a fear that my wedding (whenever that happens) will be a disaster.  Oh, and I HATE spiders.

What is the one thing you wish someone had told you about college life that you had to find out on your own? Do NOT be afraid to leave your high school life behind.  All of my friends rushed a sorority, and there is nothing wrong with that! However, I just didn’t feel right there and wanted to get involved with the Baptist ministry on campus.  It was just really hard to leave my old friends and that old life behind.

What is one goal you have set for yourself and achieved? What is one goal that still remains to be achieved? It sounds silly, but I REALLY wanted to win a Fitness award at Nationals.  I worked myself insanely hard all year to prepare.  It was just something a lot of people didn’t think I could do, so I wanted to prove people (and myself) wrong. As for something that has yet to be achieved, I want to perform as a princess at Disney World before I get too old.  I am going to do my best to make that happen!

What do you want to be when you grow up and why? Besides a Disney Princess? Well, I have always had a heart for children in 3rd world countries…Well, really anyone who doesn’t have the same opportunities as we do in the United States.  So, I decided a long time ago that I wanted to do something that works internationally.  It was a year or so ago that my brother talked to me about International Law.  I was hooked from there.  With an International Law degree, I will be able to work in all sorts of places where I can serve my global community.

Describe your single-most favorite moment from your Distinguished Young Women experience.

This is a really difficult question. Girls who have yet to go through the program probably will not understand why.  See, ALL of the moments of my time with Distinguished Young Women have been priceless.  From the amazing to the amazingly frustrating, when I look back, I see that each moment helped me grow and mold me into the woman I am now.  I look back on who I was during the local competition, and it is seriously incredible to see how much this program has encouraged me.  It has given me confidence I NEVER had before, friends from all across the country, discipline to reach my goals, and an understanding of the world around me.  This program has enriched my life, and I constantly see it doing the same for other girls.  I have so many favorite memories from my two years with the program.  My Nationals roommate, Rianne Jones—possibly the sweetest girl I have EVER met—and our host parents, the Fespermans; Be Your Best Self day in Mobile; my AMAZING state chairs, Charles and Traci; the Veteran’s Day parade in Mobile; beach tennis with Allii (Rhode Island) at Orange Beach; my first Oyster with Danielle’s (Alabama) instructions; elbow licking; back scratches with Kasey (Missouri)…This list could go on and on.  However, I think my favorite memory of this program doesn’t come from a time when I was participating.  When I was giving away my local title, I had to pretty much create the program.  I did the choreography, created the theme, helped get sponsors…It was extremely stressful.  However, I really wanted to make the EXPERIENCE the priority, instead of the show.  So, I had all the participants over to my house for a sleepover.  Now, these girls weren’t enemies or anything, but they definitely were not all best friends.  That night, I got to watch 14 girls develop a bond that they will never share with anyone else.  That is what this program does.  One of the winners of that program (We have two.) began her experience as a shy, nervous competitor.  She gained the confidence to stand on stage and present herself like everyone else saw her.  Distinguished Young Women does that for girls all the time; it did it to me.  It was just this time that I sat back and noticed.  This program will change your life.  Whether  you walk away with the National title or no title at all, you will discover things about yourself that you never knew.  It’s amazing, really.